Business Analysis and Change Management

An integral part of our Digital Transformation capabilities, HM3 provides Business Analysis and Change Management as key elements of the end to end discovery and delivery controls which are crucial to success.

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We will work closely with you to iteratively determine your requirements and ensure they are directly linked to your business needs. Through each cycle, we’ll agree and document the outcomes and benefits and define how they can be measured and reported on throughout the change lifecycle. We’ll implement regular, automated sharing of  information so that we’re providing not just data but key messages which are crucial to effective decision making.

Our business change capability

Aligned to industry best practice, our Business Change capability ensures all stakeholders and the end user community are fully engaged as appropriate throughout the lifecycle, and outcomes are transitioned smoothly into service, delivering maximum effectiveness from Day 1.

HM3 will introduce robust controls so that the effect of changes on project scope can be controlled and quantified in terms of their impact to timescales, cost, and end user experience. We know that poorly managed change can throw projects off track quickly and have a potentially catastrophic effect on service and business performance, so we’ll work on the details with you to make sure impact is understood at all levels, and ownership is fully defined so every stage is appropriately governed.

The purpose of the Service Architecture and Design practice is to design products and services that are fit for use, and that can be delivered by the organisation and it’s eco-system.

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